Team Members

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Walking around Asakusa Tokyo during my recent visit I saw this place where recycling processes is going on.  We can make money out of it at the same time save the cost of river cleaning, save the land use for dumping and many other related to solid waste and water quality issues. Every year many thousan tonnes of garbage were collected from our Sungai Kelang. In order to beautify the Melaka River for now becoming the famous river cruise trip in Malaysia, rubbish trap were set up before reaching Kampong Morten. These effort could be reduce if recycling could be carried out by all Malaysian and help the government. 

Every year how much solid waste ended up in rivers? Let's do our part of living and do not 'assume' other peoples to take care of our waste. Maybe there are the one working in the Majlis Perbandaran to sweep floors and take our rubbish? But lets recycle and our part in the society to alleviate and reduce waste in rivers and waterways that might clog drains and silted up the river floor that later on cause flooding and increase the frequency of flooding. LETS RECYCLE

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Came Nov/Dec flooding is inevitable

This year flood event came to Terengganu and Kelantan and its southern Thailand border

See Flood List for recent and past flood events

During flood a lot of sediment is transported out of the catchment area. Major sources of sediment from the upland and storage along the rivers will be flushed down the river during flood. Its like cleaning the 'longkang' and drains during rainfall event. Studies on sediment transport from catchment shows that 80-90% of annual sediment flush down the catchment were from one or two flood events. This river cleanses will  cause sedimentation in the coastal areas, affecting fisheries and corals.

Monday, December 15, 2014

IAHS Conference Tour to the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier

Part of New Orleans were submerged by the flood due to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. View two videos related to the Conference tour

Billion of USD were then spent on preventing future effect of flooding by hurricane. One such effort is the building of this barrier. Picture of the visit by Prof. Wan Ruslan during the conference tour

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Today (11 Dec 2014) is the start of the most important sediment conference in the World dealing with the source of sediment in the summit, transport and sinking  of sediment in the sea. Before reaching the sea the sediment is temporarily stored in the rivers and flood plain. Hosted by Professor Jun Xu and his team from Lousiana State University. The conference discusses  various topics from Hillspoe erosion, Channel erosion,  strema nd river sediment transport, sediment associated contamination and pollution, catchment and river basin sediment yield, integrated modellling of erosion and sediment transport and sediment dynamics in coastal systems.

Schedule and Presentation


Monday, December 8, 2014

HGRG: 2014 Publications

2014 publications by HGRG Members

1.     Wan Ruslan Ismail and Mohmadisa Hashim (2014). Changing trends in rainfall and sediment fluxes of Kinta River, Perak, Malaysia. In: Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea. Edited by: Xu, Y.J., Mead A. Allison, Samuel J. Bentley, Adrian L. Collins, Wayne D. Erskine, Valentin Golosov, Arthur J. Horowitz and Mike Stone. (Proceedings of a symposium held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 11–14 December 2014) (IAHS Publ. 367, 340-345). Issn 0144-7815 (HTtp://
2.     Haghroosta, T., Ismail, W. R., Ghafarian, P., and Barekati, S. M. (2014) The efficiency of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for simulating typhoons, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2179-2184.  doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2179-2014. Impact Factor 1.826.
3.     Haghroosta T. & W.R. Ismail 2014.  Investigating Four Decades of Typhoon Activities in the Asia Pacific. Indian J. Scientific Research 4(5), 419-426.
4.     Wan Ruslan Ismail, Mohd Nazrul Ibrahim, Mohd Khusyairi Mohd Zahir, Zullyadini A. Rahaman (2014). Nitrogen Loading Input into Merbok Estuary, Kedah, Malaysia. First Proc Non Point Source Pollution 14-15 Mei 2014, Hotel Vivatel. Kuala Lumpur.
5.     Seyedeh Laili Mohebbi Nozar, Wan Ruslan Ismail, and Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria. 2014. Distribution, Sources Identification, and Ecological Risk of PAHs and PCBs in Coastal Surface Sediments from the Northern Persian Gulf. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 20(6), 1507-1520. Doi 10.1080/10807039.2014.884410. Impact 1.292

6.     Seyedeh Laili Mohebbi Nozar, Wan Ruslan Ismail, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, Mohammad Seddiq Mortazavi, Mohammad Ali Zahed, Ali Jahanlu. 2014. Health Risk of PCBs and DDTs in Seafood from Southern Iran. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 20(5), 1164-1176. doi10.1080/10807039.2013.838121. Impact 1.292.

7. Wan Ruslan Ismail, Narimah Samat & Nooriah Yusof (Eds) 2014. Kerja Lapangan: Teknik, Prosedur dan Aplikasi dalam Geografi. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM, 198pp. ISBN: 978-983-8617-000.

8. Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, Wan Ruslan Ismail, Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Nor Azlina Abd Aziz, Mohd Hafiz Rosli, Frankie Marcus Ata & Mohd Hafiz Saad. 2014. Perilaku Penghasilan Muatan Sedimen di Sungai Chini, Pahang. In: Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Nor Azlina Abd Aziz & Hafizan Juahir. (Pnyt). Hidrologi Tanah Tinggi dan Tasik. Penerbit Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). Bab 9, hlm:195-214 (ISBN: 978-983-9842-72-2). 

9. Wan Ruslan Ismail. 2014. Kajian lapangan berkaitan ciri-ciri Pemendapan Beban Kelikir dan Bundar. Di dalam: Wan Ruslan Narimah Samat, Nooriah Yusof (Eds). Kerja Lapangan: Teknik, Prosedur dan Aplikasi dalam Geografi. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM, 82-93. ISBN: 978-983-8617-000.

10. Wan Ruslan Ismail, Amilaton Sofiroh Alyas, Nur Afiqah Ariffin, Rashidah Ahmad & Sarojini Ramanan 2014. Satu kajian mudah mengukur hakisan tanih. Di dalam: Wan Ruslan Narimah Samat, Nooriah Yusof (Eds). Kerja Lapangan: Teknik, Prosedur dan Aplikasi dalam Geografi. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM,115-126. ISBN: 978-983-8617-000.

11. Narimah Samat,  Wan Ruslan Ismail & Nooriah Yusof. 2014. Penutup.  Di dalam: Wan Ruslan Narimah Samat, Nooriah Yusof (Eds). Kerja Lapangan: Teknik, Prosedur dan Aplikasi dalam Geografi. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM,179-186. ISBN: 978-983-8617-000.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Newly Modified Slope/Beach Profiler

Made from PVC pipes

Beach profile see

Saturday, December 6, 2014



Fokus kajian luar Geografi tahun ini bagi jurusan Geografi Fizikal ialah Geomorfologi Pinggir Pantai Pulau Pinang

Penyelia: Prof Dr. Wan Ruslan Ismail

Mohd Hasrolnizan Othman
Muhammad Azizul Rahim Kamaruddin
Muhamad Hakimi Hashim
Norhajrunisha Abdullah
Nur Aziroh Azhar
Nur Husnina Zulkifli
Nurul Salwa Ahmad Raston
Rohayu Che Lope
Ruhil Adilah Yahaya
Wan Rabiatul Tadawiah Wan Yahaya

Antara topik-topik kajian pinggir pantai ialah:

1. Geomorfologi pinggir pantai
2. Pembentukan pantai
3. Saiz partikel pantai dan sungai Pulau Pinang
4. Sosio ekonomi pinggir pantai
5. Kesan tindakan manusia
6. Pengurusan zon pinggir pantai

Satu kajian awal atau Recognaissance Survey dijalankan pada  6 Disember  2014 - Round Island Trip

    Bermula di Pantai Permatang Damar Laut- bau busuk

at Pantai Sg Batu

Testing our New Modified Apparatus - Beach Profiler Using PVC

Beach Erosion at the Pantai Panjang, Pulau Betong, Balik Pulau

Scale person: 1.5 m she said

Dissappearing river on the beach- water absorbed by the porous sand before it could reach the sea

Ice cream cone at Pantai Teluk Bahang

Pantai Gurney yang berlumpur. Di belakang ialah Tanjong Tokong