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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Persidangan Kebangsaan Masyarakat, Ruang, dan Alam Sekitar (MATRA 2011)

Pada 16 hingga 17 November 2011, seorang penyelidik HGRG (Mohamad Adam Omar) telah menyertai pembentangan lisan di Persidangan Kebangsaan Masyarakat, Ruang dan Alam Sekitar. Persidangan yang bertemakan "Komuniti dan Pembangunan Lestari: Realiti dan Cabarannya" ini telah berlangsung di Hotel Vistana, Pulau Pinang. Berikut adalah ringkasan kertas kerja yang telah dibentangkan:

Longitudinal Distribution of Physicochemical Parameters and Water Quality of Slim River, Perak.

Wan Ruslan Ismail, Mohamad Adam Omar, Siti Fadzilatulhusni Mohd Sani, Noraini Misnan.
Hydrogeomorphology Research Group, School of Humanities, University Science of Malaysia, 11800, Penang.

ABSTRACT: A study of the water quality of Slim River was conducted during a Scientific Expedition of Slim River from 26 until 28 November 2010. 11 sampling sites were selected along the 4x4 track from Kampong Ulu Slim (73m a.s.l) to Pos Tenau (749m a.s.l). Most of the sites are forested area with very little disturbance. A total of 12 water quality parameters were measured based on Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS) and LAWA (1998) classification. The physical and chemical variable that has been measured were turbidity, temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate, Result shows that according to the INWQS classification, temperature was within the normal range, conductivity, TSS, nitrate was categorized under class 1. Meanwhile, according to LAWA classification, the water quality in Slim River is classified as Class I-II, which is suitable for recreational activities and allowed to the body contact. Based on the longitudinal profile of the Slim River, water quality in streams may change when vegetation in the watersheds has been altered by human activity. besides that, fertilizer utilization after the conversion of forest to agriculture and farming activities also one of the sources of pollutant.

Keywords: water quality, LAWA, INWQS, Slim River.

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